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Sengpasith Houngaloune

Sengpasith Houngaloune

Sengpasith is ESL’s Managing Director with 10 years’ of experience he environment and social consulting. He graduated with a Ph.D. in sustainable resources engineering from Hokkaido University, Japan. He has extensive experience working in various fields such as electronic wastes and hazardous wastes management, environmental and social impacts assessment and management, toxic contaminations management (i.e., arsenic) in the mining industry, climate change - carbon credit, toxic waste issues (mercury) management in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, wastewater monitoring and treatment, preparation of feasibility study (FS) reports for several mining projects, etc.

Nanong Khotpathoum

Nanong Khotpathoum

Nanong is an Executive Director of ESL. He has more than 25 years’ working experience in environmental and social impact assessment and management disciplines. His education background includes Post Graduate Degree in Water Resources Management from HUNGARY and Post Graduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management from the School for International Training, Vermont, USA.
Nanong has extensive working experiences for projects with international organizations including JICA, WB, ADB, UNIDO, PSI, AFD, etc. His experience has included project managing environmental and social impact assessments and preparing management plans for major projects in the mining, energy, health, water, and industrial sectors in Lao PDR. He also has strong understanding of community consultation on issues of impact assessment, compensation, resettlement, and livelihood development. He has been involved over 30 hydropower and mining projects acting as a project manager, director, and advisor including LXML, PBM, Norinco Company Limited, Sinohydro Corporation Ltd., NTPC, etc.

Sirixai Phanthavongs

Sirixai Phanthavongs

Sirixai graduated with a Master of Arts in Social Science, and a Master of Environment Management from the University of Flinders University, Australia. Besides, she successfully certified for several courses including the Mainstreaming Gender Concerns in Energy Project, International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA), Thailand; Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding online course Greening the Blue, UNDP online training course, etc. Sirixai has over 10 years’ of working experience for numerous projects related to environmental and social development with the government sector and international organizations such as Mekong Institute (MI), Save the children international, UNDP, JICA, EPFO, etc. She has involved in several project related to gender and/or community engagement such as the Communities Inclusive for Local Capacity Development to Support Poverty Reduction: Mekong Institute’s Affiliated Project (project leader); Phu Kham and Ban Houayxai Operations Socio-Economic and Health Survey 2022 for Phu Bia Mining Company Limited (Social-Economic Specialist); Enchaining Participatory of People through Community Radio Project (Project Assurance); PNPC Household Income Survey (Social-Economic Specialist).

Souvanno Saycocie

Souvanno Saycocie

Souvanno is ESL’s data management and analysis specialist with 10 years of experience. He has extensive experience on data control, QA/QC, data cleaning and analysis for several mining, hydropower, other industry projects in Lao PDR. He also has a local knowledge working on the ground with local people and authority by coordinating during a field work. Souvanno has involved in database design using a recent survey toolbox and worked closely with enumerators as a quality controller. Besides, he has also been working as a field survey team leader for land use, forestry, inventory of lost (IOL), household income survey, etc.

Soudaphanh Prabouasone

Soudaphanh Prabouasone

Soudaphanh graduated with a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering from the National University of Laos and she also earned an advance diploma of professional English from the Vientiane College, Lao PDR. She has about 5 years’ experience working as a project coordinator, field team leader, environmental & social officer, co-author for numerous projects related to waste management, climate change, hydropower, mining, and agriculture from both private and public sectors such as EPFO, Phu Bia Mining, Energy Absolute (EA), BB Energy, PNPC, etc.

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